*** This is my practice website to learn and practice HTML, using Microsoft Step By Step book, by Faithe Wempen. ***
style="color: red" Red
Black | Navy | Maroon | Purple |
Gray | Silver | Green | Olive |
Red | Fuchsia | Teal | Blue |
White | Yellow | Aqua | Lime |
Series of 3 numbers from 0 to 255 representing the amount of red, green, and blue
Web-safe colors (match colors in a standard 8-bit display): 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, and 255.
style="color: rgb(255,0,0)"
style="color: rgb(255,153,0)"
A shade of orange
style="color: rgb(51,204,102)"
A shade of green
RGB value converted in a base-16 numbering system
style="color: #FF0000"
style="color: #FF9900"
A shade of orange
style="color: #33CC66"
A shade of green
chartreuse | darkgreen | darkolivegreen | darkseagreen |
forestgreen | green | greenyellow | lawngreen |
lightgreen | lime | limegreen | mediumseagreen |
olive | olivedrab | palegreen | seagreen |
springgreen | teal | yellowgreen |   |